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IELTS Test Preparation Tips

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IELTS Test tips – Did you commit some of these mistakes last time?

ielts test tips

ielts test tips

Each and every candidate take the IELTS test with an aspiration to score as high as possible, but as in the pathway of life, not everyone become successful. There is never the end of roads for an aspiring candidate. If you are an intelligent eager beaver and ready to learn from your mistakes, just check and rectify if you have committed any of the blunders listed below. Please keep in mind appearing the test repeatedly won’t make you more competent candidate.

IELTS Speaking Test

You probably…

  • Answered in yes/no or answered in one word, like- Q.: How is the communication of your town? Ans.: Worst. But you should have answered like: In our town communication is a big problem. The number of buses plying is only a handful. Cabs are available only in the day time during the office hours, and people have to depend on auto-rickshaws mainly. The road conditions are poor and get waterlogged easily; no vehicles ply during that time.
  • Hurried through your answers to execute your fluency, thus making the examiner ask you to stop and repeat. You must not do that; instead, you should speak clearly at a moderate speed without showing any haste.
  • Fumbled while speaking? Don’t fumble, rather use gap fillers, if you get stuck at some point.
  • Had ‘Mother Tongue Bias’ in your accent? You must be well aware of this and make your accent clear and distinct.
  • Spoke in a very low voice, making yourself inaudible. You mustn’t do this, as the examiner might feel irritated.
  • Talked too much to explain your points. You mustn’t do this, you should answer in brief details, but not in one word.

Also read

IELTS Listening Test

You probably…

  • Tried to remember every word of the speaker and got distracted. Don’t do this, remember the keyword related words only.
  • Didn’t write down the points of the relevant topics. You must write down the key points.
  • Didn’t take notes while listening to the audio. You must take notes while listening, as the audio is played only for once.
  • Missed a word or two and wasted not only time trying to remember it, but also missed some more important keyword related words? You must focus on listening to keyword related conversation to avoid losing marks.
  • Didn’t or couldn’t keep up with the speed of a speaker? You must maintain this. Remember, keeping up with the speed of the speaker’s conversation needs a lot of practice.
  • Didn’t practice listening to ‘Recorded conversations’ of different dialects of different English speaking countries? The audios used in the ‘Listening Tests’ are recorded conversations of people of the various countries. The accent of the speakers differs from each other to some extent in such cases. So, to understand the dialects of the speaker’s you have to practice listening to ‘Recorded conversations’ of different English speaking countries.
  • Didn’t prepare yourself through sufficient numbers of ‘Real exam like’ mock tests? This is absolutely a must do for any candidate. Your performance in the ‘Mock Tests’ would not only make yourself aware of your actual preparation but also make you a better listener and a more competent candidate.
  • Didn’t make the best use of the time to read the questions and the ‘Short Intervals’ given between playing the four audios for allowing the candidates to check their answers? You must learn to make the best use of the time intervals given during the listening test, as managing time skillfully matters a lot in the listening test score.
  • Also Read

IELTS Reading Test

You probably…

  • Didn’t try to master the skill of ‘Skimming and Scanning’? These two skills are highly essential for the reading test. If you go by the meaning of the words, the word skimming means: Reading or having a glance through quickly, and the word scanning means: Reading or examining minutely. You have to learn and master both the skills to score high on the reading test.
  • Didn’t care about reading a lot of test materials available on the Internet and elsewhere. Reading a lot is extremely important for any candidate, as the more one read and try to grasp the meaning of the text, the more competent he would become for sure.
  • Didn’t bother about increasing your reading speed. Reading at high speed and understanding the contextual meaning at the same time, matter a lot in reading test.
  • Didn’t have a quick look at the question paper first, to identify the specific keywords like where, when, whom, etc.
  • Didn’t care about taking a lot of mock tests? Taking as many mock tests as possible would make you more competent.

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IELTS Writing Test

You probably…

  • Didn’t try to become a proficient writer of the English language with an excellent hold over the English grammar? Your English writing and depth of knowledge of English grammar have to be extremely good to enable you to get a high band score.
  • Were not skillful enough for writing in a variety of ‘Complex Sentences’ keeping the inherent meaning of the text perceivable.
  • Didn’t or couldn’t try to execute a rich and wide range of vocabulary with absolute perfection?
  • Didn’t mind seriously enough about checking spelling mistakes? These are the basic mistakes which candidates are prone to commit and lose marks eventually. If you are re-appearing the tests to improve your band score you must be aware and follow some must do steps like:-
  • Do review your preparation procedure and activities of the last appearance.
  • Do check your depth of English knowledge by taking help of an experienced English teacher.
  • Do get in touch with a reputed coaching center if possible.
  • Be fully aware of the IELTS test scoring system.
  • Do read from the internet, ‘Success Tips’ from well-known blogs given by reputed bloggers and successful candidates.
  • Do practice as much as possible and try to practice under ‘Expert Guidance’ if possible.
  • Do read English from as many good sources as possible.
  • Do listen to ‘ Your Recorded Voice’ and get checked by an expert whether you need amendment or not.

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Working this way with due diligence, you will surely be able to improve a lot. At the same time be a critique of yourself to enable you to find your every bit of weaknesses and work accordingly with undaunted spirit to achieve success by providing your best effort.

Originally posted 2017-09-07 09:27:05.

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